Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Not-So-Simple Rule #6: You Can't Make Bad Batter Better by Adding Good Batter to It!
So what does all this have to do with dating? You can't date a 'bad boy' and think that you ("the good batter") will be the one to change him. (I can hear you screaming again.)
You see, my daughters, many women are drawn to 'bad boys' - especially the ones who seem to be waiting to be rescued; from themselves. There is a little bit of "the saviour" mentality in many women; maybe it is the maternal, nurturing instinct in us, maybe it is the innate desire to fix things and make it better.... The fact remains that many women are drawn to 'bad boys' and we begin to think that we will be the ones who will make the difference - that all that this guy needs is a friend who believes in him, a friend who accepts him and is willing to stand by him while he works through his problems etc etc etc....... But trust me, my daughters, there is wisdom in Jeremiah's words "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." (Jer 13:23) Bad boys can't be made good. Instead it will be the good girls who will get drawn into an unrewarding, demeaning and destructive relationship in the end.
I don't think I need to describe these 'bad boys' to you. They walk around with a devil-may-care attitude, they admit to having a huge problem that they want to break but can't (smoking, drinking, drugs, anger, gangs etc etc ) and then suggest in some ways that maybe they can't change on their own - their family doesn't believe in them (their mother / father / abusive siblings / step parents - the variety I have heard is endless), they don't have true friends, noone cares... Then they will talk of themselves as misunderstood beings, guys who could be someone different if only.....
That "if only" my daughters, must not be YOU! :) No, you cannot help him quit smoking, no you cannot be his friend while he is in a gang, no your friendship isn't going to save him, no you must not spend hours on the phone counselling him, no you cannot go with him to talk to these people who are making his life miserable.
And if, my daughters, you have already started a friendship trying to fix one of these "bad boys", you must have the strength to end it because the "bad boy" date is also emotionally manipulative. You will get calls and sms messages that portray him in different dire situations, his friends will call on his behalkf to talk to you, he will moon around in your presence, you will get messages that he is crying or drunk or suicidal. So you see, it is better not to get into one of these friendships at all because you will be sucked into a relationship that will drain you and get you in deep waters because the fact is, the saviour he needs is not YOU.
Dating a "bad boy" will mean moving from one calamity to another, from one situation to another because even when there are no problems, he will invent one as it is your sympathy that is keeping you hooked. And as long as he can keep you sympathetic, as long as he keeps you believing that he needs you, you will stay. And that will be a disastrous decision. So, my daughters, if the batter is bad, chuck it down the kitchen sink no matter how tempted you are to try and save it. Because you can't make bad batter better by adding good batter to it.
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1:00 PM
Labels: 8 Not-So-Simple-Rules to Dating, Family, Life Lessons, Parenting
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
At a Hard Place
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9:15 PM
Labels: Family, Personal, Walk with God
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Somthing to Think About
- Kishore Mahbubani, Dean,LKY School of Public Policy, NUS.
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1:45 PM
Labels: Quotes
Friday, November 06, 2009
To Love
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10:11 PM
Labels: Walk with God
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Not-So-Simple Rule #5: The Fruit Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree
We tend either to choose someone who is like or radically un-like our family of origin as a marriage partner. What we attempt to do with the partner is to recreate the role we played in our family of origin. So men who are close to their mothers, for eg, might sub-consciously be looking for a mother figure who would treat them in the same way. Or we might look for something that was missing from our family of origin and try to re-create it through the person we are dating.
So, there you have it. Rule #5. I hope this has not been a depressing read for you, my daughters. It is the most sobering of my 8 Not-So-Simple-Rules and I don't think I have done it justice here. But do not take the issue of your families too lightly. The shadow of your families will always be there and time you spend trying to understand each others' families will be well worth it. As I said before, it is not just his family, but your own too that you need to be aware of.
But when all is said and done, please remember that Jesus Christ is the Author and Finisher of our faith. His love redeems and transforms and there is nothing He cannot change and re-create. All the ghosts of the past, every generational mistake can be wiped out by our God who delights in new beginnings. So in all things, do not despair. The fruit does not fall far from the tree, but we have a living God who catches the fruit when it falls and makes it grow again on a new tree of life! Amen!
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1:10 AM
Labels: 8 Not-So-Simple-Rules to Dating, Family, Life Lessons, Parenting, Personal
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Not-So-Simple Rule #4: 3Fs = Pass
1.Faith - I am sure you saw this one coming, right? I cannot emphasise enough, how important this is. This is so important that a guy who doesn't share your faith shouldn't even be a blip on your radar! :) When God called the Israelites out of Egypt and made a covenant with them, He was very clear on this - when you go into the land I give you, do not marry the people of the land. And a major reason for this was that God knew that when His children marry those who worship other gods, it would just be a matter of time before they started adopting the rituals, practices, thoughts and behaviours of their spouses. Because you WILL compromise.
This is not an old-fashioned, narrow minded rule like the practices of some communities who want marriages to be within the same ethnic group or caste. Dating someone who shares your faith is important because when you are dating, you will be vulnerable. The dating phase is when many young people compromise on who they are and how they usually behave and what they prefer, because the desire to please the other person and win his approval is very great (hence the importance of Rule #1). So it will start with small things like feeling awkward saying grace before you eat because he doesn't. Then it will extend to other areas like not talking about God or not giving glory to God for things that happen because it will seem awkward. Then you will start bringing in God only when there are problems - like saying "Oh I will pray about that." instead of God being a vital part of your lives together. And as you get more and more involved in the relationship, you will give up more and more and by the time you get to the wedding, you will be ready to not even have a Christian ceremony because of how awkward it will all be. Marriage preparation claseses? Not a hope! Getting a pastor to marry you? No way that is going to happen!
Ask yourself - are there aspects of your date's faith that you hide from Christian friends or fudge when you talk to your pastor? Is your date's relationship with God something you talk about? If not, why? Is God in the middle of your conversations? Or do you say you will pray about issues on your own, away from each other? If you don't talk about God as a couple and how God is changing you or what God is teaching you and marvel at how God is growing you as a couple, do you think things will change after marriage? Are you and your date just great together or are you great together because you see God's Hand in your lives every day? These are important questions you need to ask and pause to ask yourself why if you answer them in the negative.
2. Family - Another F to consider is how the guy you like relates to his family, how he reacts to your family, what his family thinks of you and what your family thinks of him. Once you start dating, you are likely to become so wrapped up in each other that you will begin to think that the only thing that matters is the two of you. While this may be true early in your relationship, you will soon find that familial relationships will begin to intrude in many ways. How the guy you date relates to his family is important because it will tell you what his attitude towards familial relationships are - how he treats his parents and his siblings will give you a very good indication of how he will treat your parents and siblings and how he will treat you and your children in the future. Also ask yourself how your family feels about him as a person and be willing to hear them out without becoming defensive. Your family knows you in ways even you may not know yourself and they might see aspects of your relationship that you are blind to. If you hide aspects of your date from your family or are ashamed to tell your family about some things, then that should be a warning to you that all may not be right. If you hide something from your family because you think they would not approve of him or accept him if they knew this, then, my daughters you really should drop this guy like a hot potato :) Watch closely when his family members speak of him or to him - because like your family, his family knows him well too and what is left unsaid can sometimes mean a great deal.
3. Friends - This is one barometer you should consult as well before you embark on a steady relationship. Does he introduce you to his friends and do they like him? Are you eager to introduce him to your friends and do they like him? A sure sign that this may not be the guy for you is if your friends feel uncomfortable around him or if he does not introduce his friends to you. If in dating him you find yourself drawing away from your own circle of friends, beware! The friends you knew and enjoyed spending time with before you knew him are a valuable part of your life. If your date feels uncomfortable around them, it should be a sign to you that things are not all that they seem to be. The guy you date should encourage you to spend time with your friends and he should have a circle of friends that he continues to keep in touch with. Dating does not mean seeing only each other exclusively. Such exclusivity will result in you having only one perspective of any situation that arises - his. Your friends should be able to welcome the guy you are dating into their company and enjoy his presence without a feeling of constraint. Mutual friends are important and you should feel comfortable with his best friends too. If the guy you date begins to find fault with your friends or forces you to choose between him and your friend, alarm bells should ring, my daughters.
So, my daughters, check for the 3 Fs before you decide that this is the one, for they will give you a pretty good indication as to whether you should commit :)
Posted by
8:23 PM
Labels: 8 Not-So-Simple-Rules to Dating, Family, Life Lessons, Parenting, Personal
My First Glog
Hey Prav - this one is for you! I created a glog at the workshop I attended today! Here it is. The techno-cavewoman has evolved :)
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11:58 AM
Labels: Education
Sunday, October 04, 2009
In God's Waiting Room
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7:12 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
My Quote of the Day Today!!!!
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
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8:53 AM
Monday, September 21, 2009
Not-So-Simple Rule #3: Lions are Bad News
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3:49 PM
Labels: 8 Not-So-Simple-Rules to Dating, Family, Life Lessons, Parenting
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Not-So-Simple Rule #2: Ox + Ass = Crooked Furrow
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10:04 PM
Labels: 8 Not-So-Simple-Rules to Dating, Family, Life Lessons, Parenting
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Not-So-Simple Rule #1: Be a Dog, Date a Dog
Riiiiight.... so here we go! Aha! You thought I had forgotten didn't you? :) Here we go then, on the much-awaited, long-dreaded rules, my daughters....
Rule #1: Be a Dog, Date a Dog
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6:26 PM
Labels: 8 Not-So-Simple-Rules to Dating, Life Lessons, Parenting, Personal
Visiting Medan
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6:15 PM
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Arranged Marriages
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3:57 PM
Labels: Family, Life Lessons, Parenting, Personal
Monday, August 31, 2009
God Said "No".
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1:12 PM
Labels: Life Lessons, Personal, Walk with God
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Through It All
I was so encouraged by this song in church today. I love it. My God is faithful and He never lets me go! Just want to share it with you and hope you are encouraged by it! Whatever the season of your life, wherever you are now, His hand is over you.
Posted by
7:09 PM
Labels: Walk with God
Friday, August 21, 2009
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3:16 PM
Labels: Life Lessons, Personal, Quotes
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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1:02 PM
Labels: Life Lessons, Quotes
A Note to My Friend
My life is not perfect. I am not always happy. Many days I wish I had a different life. But I have come to accept this life I have been given and that I think makes the difference.
I will be doing you a disfavour my friend if I let you go away thinking I am just a strong woman. I am not. I belong to a strong God. I hope the next time we meet you will let me share my experience with my God with you. Then you will understand what I meant when I told you "The joy of the Lord is my strength".
If Christians were somehow miraculously protected from the evils and sorrows of the world, I am sure the whole world would have accepted Christ by now! No, we are not protected - we have, in fact, more than our share of heartache, straying spouses, divorce, deaths, rebellious children, lost jobs, financial ruin.... But we DO have a strong unchanging Rock that holds us together in the middle of our crisis.
Posted by
11:49 AM
Labels: Friends, Personal, Walk with God
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Vidhya's Wedding Photos
Posted by
6:52 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009
8:22pm on 9 August 2009
That there are many things I can find fault with I do not deny. But I don't think any country in the world is perfect. Each nation has its strengths and drawbacks. But sometimes I feel among all the countries I have visited (not many, I know), Singaporeans have a penchant for bashing their own nation more than people I have met elsewhere. The Americans and Australians, I think, are the proudest of their countries. A close second are Indians. But many of my fellow countrymen seem to shy away from taking pride in Singapore. Not only do we not speak well, we also respond with disparaging remarks when others comment positively about Singapore!
Recently, a Canadian wrote in to The Straits Times Forum page to say how much he appreciated Singapore and to chide Singaporeans for not having more pride in their country. The very next day a Singaporean wrote in with a long litany of woes, detailing all that he felt was great in Canada - social welfare and low housing cost being chief on his list - and opined that the Canadian didn't know how good he had it and by implication, how bad the Singaporeans had it. I was really glad that the Canadian writer did not take it lying down but replied with a feisty letter standing by all he had said about Singapore and pointing out some of the problems that he saw in Canada. Like I said, every country has its strengths and its weaknesses.
While I do admit that there are other places that I find attractive - like Melbourne - I do not feel a need to criticise Singapore or its government for what I perceive to be the lack of attractions like those that Melbourne offers. Singapore has been good to me. And I think it is this awareness, that if not for me coming to Singapore at 14, I would not have the life I have now, that keeps me grateful to this nation.
By coming to Singapore, instead of staying in Malaysia where I was born, I had access to an English education. This is something all our students take for granted, without ever wondering why so many children cross the Causeway daily from Malaysia and pay exorbitant fees to study in Singapore schools! If I had stayed in Malaysia I would have been taught in Malay and received an education that would not have been recognised anywhere else in the world. I would have had to fight against race quotas in universities and workplaces, I would have had to look for 'connections' or bribe to get ahead and I would have become fiercely protective of my race identity as so many of the Indians in Malaysia are. I would not be free to worship as I am now and I would have to send my children away at an early age or migrate to ensure that my children had a chance to get ahead in life. These are the realities in the country of my birth.
In Singapore, I succeeded purely on merit. The colour of my skin has not mattered. I can honestly say that in the past 38 years that I have lived here, I have not experienced racial discrimination. I have benefited from financial aid offered by the government both during my secondary school days as well as through my university days based solely on my academic performance. I have had opportunities to grow professionally in the civil service; I have raised a family in a government-subsidised house. I do not worry when I return home late after a night out with my friends; I do not worry when my girls are out with theirs. I am not worried about my old age as I have a government pension and medical benefits to see me through till the day I die.
Yes, the government does not give handouts to the poor. But the government does offer heavily subsidised skills training for those who are out of jobs, the government pays the fees of children from poor families, there are few homeless people sleeping on our streets, there are few beggars and if any they are foreigners out to make a quick buck. Education is the great social leveller and the government sends its social workers to ensure that every child of school-going age is in school.
Yes, it is true that this country has been run by the same political party since the day of its independence. Yes, it is true that the current Prime Minister is the son of our first Prime Minister. And yes, it is true we ban chewing gum, cane vandals and hang drug traffickers. Yes, it is true that homosexuals feel discriminated against because we have not repealed the law that says anal sex is a crime :) BUT it is also true that 85% of our people own their homes, have compulsory government savings they can use in their old age and are sure that if they fall ill, they will be seen by a doctor and admitted in hospital if necessary, on the same day.
When all is said and done, I think Singapore is a great place to live in and to bring up a family. And that is why when the call went out this year to collectively say the National Pledge at 08:22pm I decided I was going to join in, no matter how ridiculous it felt! So there we were at 08:22pm on the 9th of August 2009, taking the National Pledge with many other Singaporeans who felt strongly enough about this country we call home.
My personal favourite memory was when Chad, who was visiting from the US, decided he would stand with the rest of us too to honour the moment :) Yay!
We, the citizens of Singapore
Pledge ourselves as one united people
Regradless of race, language or religion
To build a democratic society
Based on justice and equality
So as to achieve
Happiness, Prosperity and Progress
For our nation!!!!
Posted by
11:11 AM
Labels: Family, Life Lessons, Personal
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Our Children's Journey
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10:05 PM
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Knowing Myself
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7:01 PM
Labels: Personal, Walk with God
Monday, July 13, 2009
In London
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6:08 AM
Monday, July 06, 2009
In the Valley
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9:19 PM
Labels: Personal, Walk with God
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Weighing the Costs
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12:53 PM
Friday, June 12, 2009
An Evening with Friends
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5:30 PM