Sunday, July 01, 2012

After Work

Especially when I'm extremely busy, my habit of procrastination kicks in with a vengeance. That's when I take computer breaks to surf for holidays or to check my email :) This week I have been surfing to consider options for a Masters degree in Guidance and Counselling. I figure if I do this part-time it will take me 3 to 4 years to complete it and that will be about the time I will retire and I can start another career.This option has been in my heart for a while now and during Family Camp I was humbled by the number of people who shared deeply with me. I feel I need to prepare for a new season. I sense a settledness, as if it is time to stop looking at my pain and failings and to reach out to others in pain. I keep thinking of Paul who asked God three times to remove the thorn in his flesh and when God's answer was 'no', he stopped thinking about it and set about doing God's work, accepting simply that God's grace was sufficient for him. I am no Paul, but I also feel it is time to accept God's 'no' and to move on. It's time to set down my burden and carry others'.