Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am very saddened by the latest scandal in Singapore. More than 44 men arrested for having paid sex with an under-aged girl. It has made me startlingly aware that you can never know the true nature of a human being by his public persona. The Bible says only God knows what is the true sum of each man and this saga has affirmed the truth of this. Three of these men are men I have seen in their very public arenas; 2 of them educators. And even now, when their guilt has become apparent, I find it hard to believe that they would have descended to this level. It is a shock every time I see their faces in the newspapers.

My heart aches especially for their wives and children. How much they must hurt, how betrayed they must feel, how much shame in having their family lives put under public scrutiny. And I feel deep anger - at these men who are successful in the eyes of the world, blessed with opportunities far beyond the reach of the average man, yet unable to live a life of simple integrity and dignity. I feel anger at the young girl, destroying her life and the lives of others, for the sake of money. And the mastermind behind it all, preying on the weaknesses of greed and lust.

I feel as if there are suddenly many cracks showing. Such scandals used to be few and far between and teachers were rarely in the news for such scandals. My friend says there always were such goings-on but that because of the internet it is harder to hide these days. Maybe she is right. But I also wonder, has the calibre of our teachers changed? Has the moral fibre weakened? I don't know. But my heart aches for the innocent victims - the wives, the children, the students who once looked up to these men. I wish I could do something or speak some words of comfort to them. But I can't, so I pray.

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