Sunday, May 02, 2010

All is Well

At my 50th birthday party in Nov 2007, I gave a speech in which I gave thanks to God for being in my life when I had a ‘train wreck’ in 1993. And I want to give thanks again for God’s presence in my life at this point when I again face a ‘train wreck’.

God is the strength of my heart, the song on my lips, the hope in my every morning. He is my faithful friend, my counselor, my consoler. He knows who I really am, no matter what anyone says or thinks and He tells me he loves me over and over and over again, no matter how many times I ask him. He blesses me, he protects me, He provides for me. Because I have God, I have everything.

"You O Lord, keep my lamp burning;
my God turns darkness into light.
With Your help I can advance against a troop;
with my God I can scale a wall."
Psalm 18: 28 - 29

I fear nothing. I have all I need. Because I have God.


beckyboo said...

hey vara,
happy belated birthday! i didn't know it was your birthday, when's the actual day? glad that you've found your strength in God and can look back at your life to see His great faithfulness. it's such an encouraging testimony, that we can count on Him to see us through :)

vara said...

Oh no Becky, it isn't my birthday yet - till Nov anyway :) I'm sorry. I realise I didn't position my opening sentence well. My 50th birthday party was in 2007 and I was referring to a speech I had made then :) But I'm glad you are encouraged by my testimony!