Monday, August 25, 2014


I'm looking forward to this weekend, particularly, to this Saturday. My church has organized a Quiet Day and I need one. I like the venue that has been chosen - it is opposite the Botanic Gardens and I hope we will be given time for solitary walks. That is one thing I miss about not being in College Park, MD, anymore - the long, winding, quiet paths around the lake. 

I walk here too, but in all the paths around my neighborhood the traffic noise is never absent and that distracts me. 

I'm looking forward to this Quiet Day. I have a number of things on my mind and I know what I need is uncluttered time with God. There is a restlessness in me, a disquiet. A longing for open space. I don't understand it. The house has enough silence, but the silence of my home is a sad one. I need to escape it and to listen to God without my regrets whispering in my ear. 

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