Sunday, September 30, 2007

Back from my Retreats

Can’t believe it’s been almost 2 weeks since I updated. Well, more really - I guess I have been hiding by putting up pictures and other stuff.. haha.. Must say I have had an eventful 2 weeks though. Well, can’t really share all that has passed because much of it had to do with me and God. But suffice it to say that God has showed Himself again to be sufficient for me and I am grateful.

I have gone away for 2 weekend retreats so the past 2 weekends have been busy ones for me. On 22 / 23 Sept I went for Alpha Weekend at Hotel Sofitel. Alpha is a 10-week course that I am co-leading, run to give anyone who is interested, an insight into what Christianity is about. So I meet a group weekly on Wednesday nights and we talk about different aspects of Christianity like Who is Jesus..... The conversations have been interesting and the questions have made me think and leading these sessions have helped to crystallise my own thinking as well.

The Alpha Weekend comes at the end of Session 6 and is a chance for people to meet on a social level as well. I was quite reluctant to go for the Weekend at first but ended up being blessed. It was an interesting experience and gave me lots to think about. I enjoyed the time I spent with the 4 girls who came – Angel, Hui En, Ezen and Freya. They really looked out for me and didn’t seem to mind an old lady tagging along with them… hahaha.

I had the gang over to my place for dinner on Wednesday - invited the others from the Alpha group too and in all there were about 9 of them. We had a good time, just talking and eating. I love being with happy, young people.

I also went away for Cell Leaders retreat this weekend. It is the culmination of the Cell Leaders’ Training that I have been attending for the past 5 weeks. I had a wonderful time of refreshing at the Montfort Centre in Bukit Timah.I had been feeling quite drained and tired. I felt like many people wnated a piece of me and I didn't have energy left. So the opportunity to just rest and sleep and pray was really a time of refreshing for me. I know I have to make time for myself but sometimes I let events and needs set my agenda instead and the retreat was a good reminder that I must remember my human finiteness, that I was created as a human being not a human doing. That rest is part of God's plan for us.So yes, I have come away with a new resolve that I am going to block my Saturday mornings for time away by myself no matter what.

On Saturday evening, Maya and I went for a drink at this really nice place called Graze at Rochester. It had huge couches with pillows that you could lounge on. Pity I didn't take my camera along. I wonder if the place is open for breakfast though. It would be a nice place to retreat to for my Saturday mornings but I doubt it will be open.

And so begins another work week again ....

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