Tuesday, June 05, 2012


Today, finally, I completed the tedious process of filling in the forms I need to submit for my impending trip to the US. There still remains the step of scanning and emailing them, but at least the bulk of the work is done and the medical check up is complete.

The medical check up was the most tedious of the processes. In the time it took for me to get my medical history checked and the vaccinations and tests done, I could have flown from Singapore to Melbourne - or Tokyo! 

I would have been in a much worse temper if I had not been so entertained by the staff at this clinic :) There was the nurse who begged me, "Don't scold me ah" before she thrust a needle into my arm; the receptionist who misspelt my name, then corrected it and forgot to save the correction and proceeded to print appointment slips out for me 5 times before she realised why my name continued to be misspelt; and my favourite - the doctor who urged me "Try to remember the exact date of your polio vaccination" and gazed at me hopefully despite me telling him that I was one year old when I was vaccinated.

I'm glad it is done though. I pick up the results on Fri and send off the forms. The first pre-departure wheel has been set in motion!

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