Wednesday, September 07, 2011


Two big events dominated my public life this year and as of today, they are both over. The commemorative book for my church's 40th anniversary (P40) has been published and the official launch of my organisation that has consumed us is over. 

I had hoped to have done more writing and editing for the P40 commemorative book, but the work for the launch swamped me. I ended up writing only 1 chapter of the book. Nevertheless it was the chapter that was closest to my heart - the chapter that described the children's and youth ministry of my church. It is entitled 'God's Hand Raises the Next Generation' and chronicling how our ministry to the young has grown gave me a great deal of joy. 

As part of the P40 celebrations, my church had invited many of the past vicars. One of the past vicars, Rev Roger Campbell who was the church's second vicar from 1978 to 1985, talked of how the church he pastors in England now has a congregation that comprises solely of people above 60. He lamented that the faith had not been passed down through the generations in that village where he now lives. At the P40 service last weekend, looking around me at the hundreds of children, teenagers and young adults in the congregation I had to give thanks over how God had raised the next generations in SJSM.

Two days later, it was the Launch of my organisation. I am especially proud of the launch because our guest of honour was our former Prime Minister, Mr LKY. He is retired now and it was a privilege to have him officiate at the event. It was an even greater privilege for me to have written his speech. It was surely by God's favour alone that the speech was accepted largely intact by my bosses and by the GOH. I am a huge fan of LKY and can't think of any other man who has a left a nation as his lifetime's legacy. He has aged a great deal, his stride doesn't have the same confident swagger, his voice trembles a little, but he still inspires awe and yes, a rush of love, in me. 

Just minutes before I had stood at the wide bay windows of the Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre and looked at the sweeping vista of the Singapore skyline. And then there, before us, was the architect of my country, reading words I had written. I have now tasted the thrill of Toby Ziegler and Sam Seaborn.


jennani said...

Love the West Wing reference. YAY that is over and CONGRATULATIONS! You wrote a fantastic speech :)

Yips@Christmas said...

I would feel like Ziegler and Seaborn too if I wrote a speech for the MM! Well done! Love West Wing!

Yips@Christmas said...

Sorry! That was Nyet just now. Didn't realise they automatically put in my defunct blog address.