Tuesday, November 17, 2009

At a Hard Place

"How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child."
These words resonated with me when I did King Lear in my pre-university days, thinking of how hurt my father had been by my brother. The words came to my mind again this weekend after I visited my eldest sister in KL.
It is sad to be old and alone. Loneliness is hard to bear no matter what the age. But in old age it is harder, for added to the pain of loneliness, is a sharp sense of failure. A realisation that we have come to almost the end of our days and we have lived the best part of our lives, yet we have little left to show fo it. To be bereft of loving relationships in the winter of our lives becomes harder to bear because there is little left to hope for.
I am at a hard place. I want to care for my sister in her old age but I struggle with the sacrifices my family and I would have to make - giving up a room and privacy; the financial burden of carrying another dependent; coping with the stress of paper work needed to bring her here, hire a maid. Questions arise in my mind - how will this affect my family? what will I do when she needs medical care? what if she rubs my husband up the wrong way? am I ready to take this on for what could well be the next 10 years?
Then I remember that when I baulk at sacrifice, I dishonour my God who sacrificed His Son for me. When I wonder will I be able to afford it, I am questioning if my Jehoveh Jireh will provide for me. When I ask will my children and I handle the stress, I am asking if we, His children, have enough love.
It is a hard place. But I am reminded - "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (James 4:17). My heart is heavy.


Unknown said...

sent the quote to you know who...as my txt of the day ..kinda like 'thought for the day' !!

Unknown said...

just read rubs post on your birthday...if i can be half as good a parent as you i 'll know god has blessed me...love you gow - you really give me a lot of time when i need it even when you busy x

vara said...

Dearest Maya, be encouraged. You're doing a great job with Rohan. It is not on my own strength or wisdom or even out of my own love that the girls have grown to be what they are. The only thing I can honestly say I have done is pray for them. God takes the smallest thing we do in His name and multiplies it to effects that we can't even imagine. R exaggerates.I am NOT the selfless creature she makes me out to be. God alone knows the faults weaknesses and failures I carry. He cleans up my messes all the time :)