Thursday, November 03, 2011

Insane Life

I miss writing in my blog. I can't believe I didn't even write on my blog's birthday this year. It's November and I haven't written in the whole of October. I am unbelievably busy at work, my every weekday evening is filled with one commitment or another, the weekends come and go. I am sleeping badly. Unread books sit in a precarious pile by my bed. I had a close call with an unpaid credit card bill last month. My life has been revolving around work so much this year that I find little inclination to get online at the end of the day. I find it hard to call anyone or email - I still haven't sent Rachel a gift for her baby who is no longer 'newborn'. I just veg out in front of the tv. If I had not engaged a personal trainer this year, I'm sure I would be a round ball of chocolate. And I can write this now because I'm stealing time from my quiet time with God. There are 2 Varas - one goes to work, does what needs to be done and fills the day; one sits waiting for a saner life.

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