Saturday, October 06, 2007

Sharing My List

I love lists - checklists, to do lists, travel packing list - I love them. And of course you could have guessed that from the lists on my blog :) So when the big 5-oh loomed on the horizon, I just needed a checklist - of things I should do, things I have dreamt of doing, things I wish I could do... the possibilities were vast.

I asked Jen to buy a book that sounded really promising, which I couldn't find in the stores here. It's called 'Fifty Things To Do When You Turn Fifty' [Ronnie Sellers (ed)] - trouble is I was 49 when Jen bought it for me & I still haven't finished reading it... haha.. Then I began surfing for more of those kind of lists and was amused to find that I am not the only one who makes lists. There were quite a number like this one and this..
Well I picked this list to check my own wishlist against and this is my report card so far:
Things To Do When / Before You are Fifty
  1. Be Adventurous: Embark on a new experience. Travel to new destinations. YES! This is the reason I am going to China. It was one of the countries I had declared I will never go to but here I am going to China in 11 days' time. And it will be new experience because I will be travelling with my sisters on a tour that I planned from scratch!
  2. Adopt Something - Hmmm...Still thinking about this one. I was going to adopt a child in Laos through World Vision but I haven't gotten far with the plan beyond making inquiries.
  3. Reconnect with a Friend - Hey Siong! This is you! And She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named :) And Andrew Chua Seng Lay :)
  4. Scare Yourself: Almost anything qualifies, but it doesn't mean you have to be a daredevil. Errr... does watching 'Ghost Whisperer' count?? I hate horror movies and that programme is as close as I am going to get to anything scary. Maybe one day I will bungee jump....
  5. Realize a Dream: It's never too late to realize a dream. Visit a place that's called to you or start a new career. This is a tough one. The places that call to me are the Holy Land and Europe, but I don't see this happening in the near future. New career? Hmmm... I guess I did try a new career by going to MOE but I can hardly call it my dream job... Hahaha..
  6. Learn Something New: YES! I have learnt to blog! I got onto Facebook! I bought a PDA! The world of technology is waiting to be discovered....
  7. Change your Hair: Wait a minute. Let's not get carried away here.I called my friend at 11pm and cried when I first cut my hair short the way it is now, in 1995. Change my hair???
  8. Keep Your Medical Tests Current: Boring but necessary, I admit. Mammo done, PAP done, maybe the cholesterol needs checking....
  9. Discover Yourself: Get to know your family as people, not relatives, write a letter to your kids (or other family members) telling them the most important things you've learned. And then ask them to write one to you. This is my favourite. I have been trying really hard to have authentic conversations. But I have also learnt that it is easier said than done and that not every one is ready. So this blog is my way of telling my children, my family and my friends who Vara is. And if you would tell me who you are, I promise to listen.
  10. Do A Good Deed: Perform a random act of kindness. Treat someone anonymously. Yes. Enough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you like lists:

Take a look at this travel packing list

It's a site where you can make a customized packing list. Very useful.

