You are familiar with this rule, my daughters - "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers" (2Cor 6 :14). This reference in the Bible does not specifically refer only to marriage but to any close relationship or partnership you would enter into. But most often, it is cited as the reason why it would be unwise to date (and marry) a non-believer.
Familiar though this might be, it is a not-so-simple rule because the unequal yoking could not just be between a believer and a non-believer, but also between 2 believers. So it is not just a straightforward admonishment to only date and marry a Christian, but also to check where each one of you is with the Lord.
Dating someone of a different faith from you is asking for trouble. In the first flush of romance, it will seem as if you can work ANYTHING out! Often the first attraction is a physical one and the other party is so very keen to get into your good books and be accepted by you that he will promise anything to anyone. Strong Christians are very attractive. Increasingly, in today's society, faithful Christian young men and women who choose not to party, not to sleep around, not to get caught up in the posturing and pretence, are attractive to the average decent blokes out there. These are good guys we are talking about - they get their grades, they aren't fooling around, they are nice - and they are looking. And these are the guys you need to be careful not to fall for because they will have nothing counting against them - except that they do not know the Lord.
You will need to be even more careful when it is another Christian. Because professing the faith is not the same as living it. It is a living relationship of faith that counts. A Christian who enjoys a vibrant relationship with God who dates a Christian who is lukewarm in his relationship, is still unequally unyoked. And this relationship is more dangerous because the cracks will not start showing till much, much later. Because you think the guy you are dating is a Christian, you will miss small warning signs or overlook shortcomings or forgive stumblings. Then you will start to make small compromises as well, because you love this person so much. And that my dears is when God will get edged out of your lives and become a convenient person you remember on Sundays.
The image of unequal yoking is an apt one. If you remember the account of creation in Genesis, you will remember how often the phrase "each according to its kind" is repeated. If I tried to plow my field by yoking an ox and an ass together, I will not get a straight furrow. The stronger animal will be pulling at a different speed and with greater strength. The weaker animal will struggle and might collapse. The stronger animal will set the pace because of its superior strength and the weaker animal will either give up or be at the mercy of the stronger animal or in extreme cases, collapse from the exhaustion of being unequally yoked. A relationship where a believer is yoked with an unbeliever is in danger of the same fate.
And it will be true even if you were both believers but one had a stronger relationship with God than the other. If I put a weak ox together with a strong ox, I still would not get a straight furrow because the slow ox will slow down the stronger ox, or leave the strong ox to do all the work while it goes along for the ride. More worryingly, the stronger ox here may not necessarily be the Christian and in that case it will just be a matter of time before the cracks start to show and then compromises will be made.
If both the animals who are yoked are strong, such as a strong ox and a strong horse, then you can imagine the chafing there is going to be under that yoke. I will still not get the nice furrow I want because each animal will be trying to set the pace, each will want to go its way. I might have matched the 2 animals in strength, but they are still unequally yoked. For a straight furrow, I need to match a strong ox with another strong ox or a strong horse with another strong horse - equal yoking!
So, when you date, my daughters, remember Strong Ox + Strong Ox = Straight Furrow; Ox + Ass = Crooked Furrow :)