Dinner @ Esmirada (my new fave restaurant)
We had nice waiters too. The one who waited on our table the last time seemed to studiously avoid our table - we think it was because R terrorised him by making him explain exactly how the DBS 1-for-1 deal works. Or maybe he was embarrassed remembering the last time he tried to help me get the grilled vegetables off the skewer and ended up with the veges all over the table :) Better him than me! - at least we got another free veg kebab. But the waiter we had last night was really nice. He came to tell us that he could hear us laughing even in the kitchen. Might be true because when I went to the loo, I could hear the others too. Oops. Hope they don't ban me from there - keep bringing rowdy friends who ruin the ambience. Rita helped to ensure I will be blacklisted by telling our waiter to remember my face. Thanks.
And oh this time we had great fun because the waiters smashed plates! It was great fun! At about 9pm they turned the music up and then brought out a stack of plates, asked all the customers to clap along while they smashed the plates. Then they gave out plates to the diners as well for us to smash. It was really funny to see how we all reacted. Rita refused to smash it and gave it to me. I threw one but the waiter said it was a bad job because it just broke in half & didn't smash into bits. Sham just said what a waste of money it was. :)
Anyway, I am glad we met up. It is getting more and more difficult to make time to do this, but I am glad we do. I would like to meet more often - not necessarily for dinner, even just a coffee - just to keep in touch at more regular intervals. But it is tiring organising these outings. Imagine we fixed this date a month ago - that's how complicated our schedules are. Then I keep wondering if it is inconvenient for the others & I must remember that 3 of the others have small kids at home. Maybe I should start a child-minding service that will ensure that children are kept engaged & looked after while their mums go out for dinner and have a life.