Something Has to Give
Hello blog. I have thought of you often. I miss writing. As I was travelling home today I wondered why. Why do I not have the time or inclination to write these days?
And I think it is the result of a number of things. The commute which tires me, the work that eats up my evenings, the diminished after-work life and the lack of reflection.
I looked over my last few posts and I realise I've been more melancholic these last few months than I was even when I was in the middle of my domestic troubles last year. I don't have the spirit to get up and face the day. I think about the stuff on my to-do list all the time. On the bus, in the shower, while I'm reading the Bible. I think the only time work isn't on my mind is when I'm exercising with Johan and that's because he talks to me all the time. So that's good.
But this cannot go on. I need to choose to change. I need to change my perspective or change my job or change the way I view my job. I am putting aside what matters to me for the sake of what I have to do. I have to change something. Question is, what?