Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Battle Begins Tomorrow

AAAAGH!!!! I have put on 3 kgs!!!!! Aaaaaagh!!! This is the result of birthday dinners + trips to KL + Christmas + Ben & Jerry since R came home. I just caught sight of my paunch in a Christmas photo of me. The horror! The horror!

Hear ye! Hear ye! on 1 Jan 2009, the diet begins. The exercise begins! The 3 kgs will be conquered! I have made this public declaration to make myself get started and to warn - no, beg - all my friends not to tempt me with all manner of chocolates, ice creams, cakes and cookies. And anyone who wants to meet me will have to make an exercise date with me. No more coffee dates, no more dinner dates and no more dessert sessions until those 3 kgs are wiped out, vanquished! Neen - we have to walk around Botanic Garden when you come or climb Bt Timah ok :) Aaaaaaagh!!!!! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Wow much has happened since my last blog. Can't believe it's been 3 weeks! Got my first bout of the flu bug for this year sometime after I last blogged so I guess that's why I haven't been updating. I also went up to KL for a weekend after that as my niece M had come down from London. It was a real pleasure to be able to spend time with her again. It was an interesting weekend as we were also on a mad shopping spree in preparation for my niece V's wedding next year. I also spent a day with a very dear friend of mine and it was nice to just chill out and talk. I wish I could make a career out of this like Oprah - you know, sit with different people and ask them stuff and listen and tell your own stories and make memories...
Strange, I didn't use to be like this. I used to really dread meeting new people and I used to keep a lot of my thoughts and feelings close to myself. I don't really remember when I started telling people about me. Hmmm... come to think of it, even blogging is quite unlike me :) But I think I like this new me more. The old me was darker I think :) And last night I had a really great conversation at a wedding dinner I attended. One of my colleagues got married and I went because my old gang at the office were all leaving and I thought the dinner would be a good time for us all to meet and chat but the place turned out to be quite noisy and we were all seated at different tables, so what with one thing and another, I ended up making conversation with the couple seated next to me and wow, was it some conversation! I had never met such an interesting man before! He was a doctor who had moved to Singapore from Canada because his wife was a little homesick for Asia. And he had really great stories to tell of the times he had spent in Sabah, Hong Kong, Manila and Ottawa. It was honestly the first wedding dinner I had attended where I didn't realise how late it was! I do hope our paths cross again. I learnt so much!
Coming back to conversations - the long and short of it is - I love them. I like meeting friends and talking over coffee, I like walking with my daughters and talking, I like lying in bed with my daughters and my niece and talking, I like sitting in the youth room with my CYAN kids and talking, I like meeeting my ex-students for dinner and talking, I especially love sitting on the beach and talking. Oh, how much there is to hear! Everybody has a story. I just wish more people would tell them. Especially to me :)